Export pages

You can export the text and editing history of a particular page or set of pages wrapped in some XML. This can be imported into another wiki using MediaWiki via the import page.

To export pages, enter the titles in the text box below, one title per line, and select whether you want the current revision as well as all old revisions, with the page history lines, or the current revision with the info about the last edit.

In the latter case you can also use a link, for example Special:Export/Main Page for the page "Main Page".

AD Filmmaker Action Pack: A Comprehensive Online Course for Independent Movie Producers

The Filmmaker Action Pack is an online video course designed to teach independent movie production. It is based on real-world experience and aims to provide an understanding of the process so students can take action. Unlike other workshops and courses, this training does not cost thousands of dollars and is taught by experienced instructors who have actually raised money and produced movies.