The Crown (2016)

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The Crown is a historical drama series that chronicles the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, from her early days as a newlywed to her more mature years as a seasoned monarch. Set against the backdrop of significant historical events and political turmoil, the show offers a glimpse into the personal and public lives of the royal family and the challenges they face as they navigate their roles in a rapidly changing world.

Creators: {{{creator}}}

Main Cast


  • The show's costume designer, Michele Clapton, spent over a year researching and creating the clothing for the royal family, using original patterns from the era and recreating many of the outfits from scratch.
  • Olivia Colman, who plays Queen Elizabeth in seasons three and four, previously appeared in the show as a different character in season two.
  • The real-life Queen Elizabeth II was reportedly a fan of the show and has even watched some episodes with her grandson, Prince William.
  • The series is filmed in many real-life locations, including Lancaster House, which serves as the interior for Buckingham Palace, and Ely Cathedral, which doubles as Westminster Abbey.
  • Many of the characters in the show are based on real-life people, but some of the conversations and events depicted on the show are fictionalized for dramatic effect.





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